Your story, in your voice, written by me.
In the age of AI-generated content and Chat GPT, working with a human writer who will genuinely capture your best voice and communicate your brand story to your audience is an investment.
The payoff is content that’s both authentic and futureproof. Content that your audience will genuinely enjoy reading, instead of skimming through or immediately leaving. Content that will still rank after the next Google update.
Strong, well-written content is essential.
Here are some examples of bespoke Content Writing Bundles with costs. All bundles include:
- meta descriptions, image captions, alt texts, and social media promo texts for all pages
- research, brand interview, one round of edits
- three UX suggestions specifically for your site / content
- follow-up aftercare: one hour of consultation
Invest in 3 bundles or more to receive a discount!
Word counts are approximate to within 5 words. Do your existing texts have more, or fewer, words than these examples? Then we can negotiate an appropriate cost.
These prices are only an indication and actual prices will be agreed at the time of contract signing. Prices can vary according to the exact nature of each assignment. Discounts may be applied under certain circumstances.